We’re sure that you will have many specific questions relating to your treatment; for more general queries about Vital Health and our practices, here are some of the more frequently asked questions that we regularly answer.


Is chiropractic treatment safe?
Yes, absolutely. Statistics show that this form of treatment is one of the safest available. At Vital Health we work in partnership with our clients, ensuring a constant dialogue between patient and doctor.
Does chiropractic treatment hurt?
Not at all; in fact the primary aim of the treatment is to alleviate any pain and discomfort, leaving you feeling freer, looser and more comfortable.
My back is stiff and “cracks” quite a lot. Do I need to see a chiropractor?
Quite possibly, yes. If you often feel the need to “crack” your back or neck to relieve tension, this can indicate that you have a fixated or jammed area of the spine elsewhere. Only a qualified professional can isolate and treat this problem area for you achieving long-lasting results – even a chiropractor can’t adjust their own back!
How often do I need to visit a chiropractor?
This all depends on your individual needs and their severity. People typically require more intensive treatment at first, reducing in frequency as you heal. Regular follow-up or maintenance appointments can prolong the effects of treatment and prevent a recurrence of the problem.To find out more about the stages of your treatment, click here.


How safe is acupuncture?
In the hands of a comprehensively trained acupuncturist, your safety is assured – in fact, one of the biggest advantages of acupuncture is the absence of any harmful side effects post-treatment. Acupuncture needles are hair-thin, sterile, made from stainless steel and generally cause no bleeding; they are completely different from the hypodermic needles used for injections. Furthermore, the specific areas of skin being treated will be thoroughly cleaned with alcohol before any needles are inserted.
Are acupuncture needles safe?
Absolutely. The government requires acupuncturists to follow strict sterilisation procedures; at Vital Health, we only use one-time-use needles that are disposed of safely after each individual patient’s treatment.
How long before I see results from my treatment?
The answer to this question depends very much on what you are getting treatment for, and for how long you have had that particular problem. Patients with acute issues often see lasting results within two to three treatments, whilst more chronic conditions can take longer for significant progress to be made. Age, lifestyle and general health conditions are also a factor.To find out more about the stages of your treatment, click here.
Can I benefit from acupuncture even if I’m not sick?
Definitely – and many people have found acupuncture to play a successful role as part of their on-going health maintenance programmes. In today’s fast-paced society, the effects of stress and pollution tend to build up over time; acupuncture is an effective way to rebalance the body and reverse the effects of these stresses. Just as you would go to your general practitioner for a check-up, you can come in for occasional acupuncture treatments to prevent sickness and health issues in general.
Is there anything I need to do before or after receiving an acupuncture treatment?
Don’t worry – no complicated preparations are necessary! You should not come in for your treatment hungry or straight after a large meal, and you should also be on your regular diet (i.e. not doing a detox or cleanse). It is best to avoid having treatment when you are extremely tired, emotional or immediately after intensive exercise. Ideally, you should be able to rest post-treatment and strenuous activities are not recommended immediately afterwards – this is especially important for your first few sessions, when your body may still be adjusting to the effects of acupuncture.
Can I combine acupuncture with Western medicine?
Usually, this is fine – but it is advisable for Western medicine and acupuncture to be done at different times of day. Over time, acupuncture may also help you decrease the amount of conventional medication you require (in consultation with your doctor and acupuncture practitioner). If in doubt, do not hesitate to ask your consultant for their individual advice.

For more information on chiropractic click here.

For more information on acupuncture, click here.
